Slept in a hide-a-bed. Not as bad as I anticipated, but prefer my own bed. Our first adventure was a visit to Hot Springs State Park. It is located in town and was very interesting. They claim that it is the largest hot springs in the world. Don't know about that, but it IS a hot spring!
Notice what it says up there on the hill - WORLDS LARGEST MINERAL HOT SPRING with an arrow pointing down.
Our next stop was the Dinosaur Center. Thermopolis has one of the largest dinosaur digs in the the country. They found the a Archaeopteryx, one of species that links dinosaurs to modern birds. Anyway, they are quite proud of it and they do have one of the best displays that I have ever seen. And we have seen many dinosaur museums, it seems. Whom ever wrote out all of the plaques that went with each of the specimens had a sense of humor. As you can see though, the grand baby was a bit more interesting than the bones!
After lunch, (or was that before lunch?) we went to pick pumpkins. They had a large patch with all sorts of pumpkins and squash. They also had a corn field, (the best corn I have ever eaten, seriously), a one room log cabin, a root cellar dug into the hill, four dogs and at least ten cats and kittens. Quite the place. It has been raining here, so the field was on the muddy side, but we persevered and came home with 132 pounds of pumpkin. I found blue pumpkins, so we are hauling them home. We will see if they actually make it, the rest of the family may toss them to the curb if the car gets too crowded. I just remembered that my parents wanted to send home Christmas gifts for everyone in Twin. Oops! Oh, and I guess it must have been before lunch, because we ate the corn FOR lunch.
The boys worked on their pumpkins for a couple of hours this afternoon while Dallas and I had a nap! (Ahhhhhh ZZzz ZZ zzz) And now, the men folk have all gone to the hot pool for swimming and Alissa and I are here at their house with Orion, who is supposed to be going to sleep, but isn't.
So that's our second day on the trip. Oh - I forgot! Dallas almost ran down a deer on main street tonight. He was paying more attention to the XM radio and didn't see that it was trying to cross the street (the deer, not the radio). And it was even in the crosswalk! (the deer, not the radio) They seem to follow the traffic laws around here. I have been trying to get a photo of one in London and Alissa's yard, but every time they show up, my camera is in the car or I am looking for them with the camera and they are not out there. Rats! Maybe tomorrow.
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