Monday, November 1, 2010


This is going to be out of order, for some reason it did not get posted when I wrote it.  This would have been on October 12th, our last day in the Black Hills, SD.

This was our day to visit Mt Rushmore.  It is impressing and the center is very well done.  I do have to mention that there is a different feeling between the two carved mountain monuments.  I will explain it like this - Stratton, who loves rocks, wanted to take one from the mountain under the sculpture of the Presidents.  We had been able to get one from the Crazy Horse monument, they had a 'rock box' as one of the displays and you were welcome to take a piece with you.  Of course, that was not allowed at the the Federally run sight, as was stated by signs literally every 6 feet, "Closed by order of the Federal Government".  Dallas said to him, " These rocks here belong to you. (Meaning the ones at Mt Rushmore)  You can't have one.   The other place belonged to someone else, so they let you take one of theirs."  Ponder on that for a bit.

We did enjoy our visit and due to new batteries, I was able to snap some pictures.
The approach to the monument viewing platform

The working model that the artist used to measure from

President Washington

This is what happens when you poor concrete in the wild! 

A good shot of root wedging 

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